
Provide a helper to build menus and breadcrumbs.


This plugin registers the nav helper to build navigation stuff like menus and breadcrumbs in your pages.


Import this plugin in your _config.ts file to use it:

import lume from "lume/mod.ts";
import nav from "lume/plugins/nav.ts";

const site = lume();


export default site;

See all available options in Deno Doc.

The function returns a tree object with the complete site structure using the pages' URLs to define the hierarchy. For example, let's say our site exports the following pages:

  • /
  • /articles/
  • /articles/first-article/
  • /articles/second-article/chapter-1/
  • /articles/second-article/chapter-2/

The object returned by would be like this:

  slug: "",
  data: Data,
  children: [
      slug: "articles",
      data: Data,
      children: [
          slug: "first-article",
          data: Data,
          slug: "second-article",
          children: [
              slug: "chapter-1",
              data: Data,
              slug: "chapter-2",
              data: Data,

Some interesting things:

  • The data property contains the page data object. So you can access to any page variable like data.title or data.url.
  • The item with the slug second-article doesn't have the data value because there isn't any page with the url /articles/second-article/. Note that there are pages inside this url (/articles/second-page/chapter-1/ and /articles/second-page/chapter-2/) that do have the data value.

You can use this object in your templates to build a menu recursively. For example in Nunjucks:

<ul class="menu">
  {% asyncEach item in %}
      {% include "templates/menu_item.njk" %}
  {% endeach %}

Change the initial URL

If you want to start your menu from a specific page, just include it's url in the first argument:"/articles/");

Filtering and sorting

You can filter and sort the elements of the menu in the same way as the Search plugin. For example, let's build a menu with the english pages, sorted by URL:"/", "lang=en", "url=asc");

The function nav.breadcrumb() returns an array of the parent items until the root. For example, the page /articles/second-article/chapter-2/ returns the following breadcrumb data:

    slug: "chapter-2",
    data: Data,
    slug: "second-article",
    children: [...],
    slug: "articles",
    data: Data,
    children: [...],
    slug: "",
    data: Data,
    children: [...],

We can use this data to generate the breadcrumb with the following Nunjucks code:

  {% for item in nav.breadcrumb("/articles/second-article/chapter-2") %}
    {% if %}
      <a href="{{ }}">
        {{ }}
    {% else %}
      <span>{{ item.slug }}</span>
    {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}