Remote files

Load remote files as fallback of missing local files

From Lume v1.10.0 it's possible to use remote files as if they were local files. To configure a remote file, you must set a local name and a remote URL in your _config.ts file using the remoteFile() function. For example:

import lume from "lume/mod.ts";

const site = lume();

site.remoteFile("styles.css", "");

export default site;

This indicates to Lume that if the file styles.css doesn't exist locally the remote URL must be used. Note that the file wont be saved in the project folder, but it's in memory.

If you want to copy this file statically:


Because the file doesn't exist in your local folder, Lume will download the file from the URL and save it in the dest folder.

The postcss plugin supports Lume's remote files, so you can import this file in your CSS with:

@import "./styles.css";

Remote layouts

Remote files can be used for layouts. Let's say you have several websites using the same layout. Instead of repeating the same file in every project, you can load it remotely:


Now, you can use this layout in all your files:

title: This is a page
layout: layouts/main.njk

Page content

Override remote files

If a remote file exists locally (in the previous examples: styles.css and _includes/layouts/main.njk) the local file will be used instead of the remote one. This is useful for creating themes with all templates and assets loaded remotely but allowing overriding some files locally in order to customize the theme. As an example, see the Simple blog theme.

Limits of the remote files

Remote files work fine in the following cases:

  • To copy static files (with site.copy())
  • To load pages and assets.
  • To load layouts defined with the layout property of the pages.
  • To load _data files and folders.
  • To load _components files.
  • Some processors like esbuild and postcss have support for remote files.

But there are some scenarios that remote files don't work or work in a limited way:

Including templates

Some template engines have their own way of loading templates. For example, Pug uses extends "filename", Liquid and Nunjucks use {% include "filename" %}, etc.

Some engines allow configuring how to load these files (so they can use the Lume reader), but others don't. At this moment, only Nunjucks supports remote files. Keep in mind that Lume reader is asynchronous, meaning that the remote files loaded by Nunjucks must use the async API (asyncEach instead of for etc). More info about Asynchronous support for Nunjucks.

Import modules

JavaScript/TypeScript modules imported as import foo from "./filename.ts" are not managed by Lume reader, but you can use import maps for a similar behavior.

Asset processors

Some processors like SASS don't allow customizing how to load imported resources, so they cannot use the Lume reader. For styles, only the postcss plugin supports remote files. And to bundle JavaScript use esbuild.