Create multiple pages

Generators allows to create multiple pages from an unique source file

It's possible with Lume to generate more than one page from the same source file. This is useful to generate pages programmatically using an external source like a database or an API.

Basic example

To generate pages the source file must return a generator function. Every element yielded by the generator is a new page and must contain, at least, the url property.

export default function* () {
  yield {
    url: "/page-1/",
    content: "This is the first page",
  yield {
    url: "/page-2/",
    content: "This is the second page",
  yield {
    url: "/page-3/",
    content: "This is the third page",

In the example above, this page generates three pages. It's important that the URLs of the pages be unique.

Multiple pages with layouts

Every page is an object with the page data. In the previous example, every page has the url and content properties,to define the content and URL of every page. If you want to use a layout to generate the page content, you have to export the layout keyword with the layout name and the data that will be used in the layouts:

export default function* () {
  yield {
    url: "/page-1/",
    layout: "layouts/article.njk",
    title: "Article 1",
    body: "Welcome to the article 1"
  yield {
    url: "/page-2/",
    layout: "layouts/article.njk",
    title: "Article 2",
    body: "Welcome to the article 2"
  yield {
    url: "/page-3/",
    layout: "layouts/article.njk",
    title: "Article 3",
    body: "Welcome to the article 3"

Because the layout is the same for all pages, we can use a named export to define it once instead of duplicating it in every yielded page:

export const layout = "layouts/article.njk";

export default function* () {
  yield {
    url: "/page-1/",
    title: "Article 1",
    body: "Welcome to the article 1"
  yield {
    url: "/page-2/",
    title: "Article 2",
    body: "Welcome to the article 2"
  yield {
    url: "/page-3/",
    title: "Article 3",
    body: "Welcome to the article 3"

Generate pages from other sources

This simple concept of using generators to generate pages is very flexible and can be used for many use cases. For example, we can generate pages from a Database or an API:

import database from "./my-database.ts";

export const layout = "layouts/article.njk";

export default function* () {
  const articles = database.query("select * from articles");

  for (const article of articles) {
    yield {
      url: `/articles/${article.slug}/`,

In this example, we use a database to get all articles and a generator to generate a new page per article. Each yielded article contains the URL and other properties you like (title, category, tag, body, etc.). We are exporting the layout value so all pages will use the same layout to render.

Another common use case is for pagination. Go to Search and paginate for more info.