
Generic Lume components

Components are template pieces that you can use in other templates. Some template engines like Nunjucks, Pug or Liquid have ways to reuse codes (like includes, macros, etc). The Lume components have the following advantages:

  • They are template engine agnostic. For example, you can create your components in JSX or JavaScript and use them in Nunjucks.
  • They can generate not only the HTML code but also the CSS and JavaScript code needed on the client side.
  • They are automatically available everywhere; no need to import them manually.
  • For module-based components (like JavaScript, TypeScript, JSX or TSX) it's the only way to hot-reload components without stopping and restarting the local server.

Create your own components

Components are stored in the _components directory. Like with _data, you can create _components directories in different sub-directories to make them available only to specific pages. To create a new component, just create a file in this directory with the name of your component and the extension of the template engine you want to use. For example, a component in Nunjucks that renders a button could be stored in _components/button.njk:

<button class="button">{{ text }}</button>

This component is available in your layouts under the comp variable (you can configure a different variable name in _config.ts). It's a global variable that contains all components. In our example, we can render the button component with the comp.button() function:

<h1>Welcome to my site.</h1>
{{ comp.button({ text: "Login" }) | safe }}

Note that the component accepts an object with the properties. This component is available in any other template engine. For example, JavaScript:

export default function ({ comp }) {
  return `
  <h1>Welcome to my site.</h1>
  ${comp.button({ text: "Login" })}

Eta templates:

<h1>Welcome to my site.</h1>
<%= comp.button({ text: "Login" }) %>

Lume components can be used like React components if you're using the JSX plugin:

export default function ({ comp }) {
  return (
      <h1>Welcome to my site.</h1>
      <comp.Button text="Login" />

Nested components in Nunjucks

In Nunjucks you can nest components in this way:

{% comp "Container" %}
  Content of the Container component

  {% comp "Button" %}
  This is a button inside the Container component
  {% endcomp %}
{% endcomp %}

The content of the components are passed in the content key:

<section class="container">{{ content | safe }}</section>

Component assets

Components can export CSS and JS code. To do that, the component needs to export css or js variables.

In our example, we may want to apply some styles to the button. In a Nunjucks template, the way to export data is using a front matter:

css: |
  .button {
    background-color: blue;
    color: white;
<button class="button">{{ text }}</button>

This CSS code will be exported in your dest folder in the /components.css file together with the CSS code of other used components. Note that if the component is not used, the CSS code won't be exported. This is an interesting feature that allows having a library of many components and only exporting the CSS and JS code that you only need.

Organize your components

Components can be saved in subdirectories. For example, the button component could be saved in the ui subdirectory (_components/ui/button.njk in your src folder). In this case, you can access this component with comp.ui.button().

Components inside components

Components can use other components internally. Let's say we want to create the search component that uses button internally. Let's see an example using a JS template:

// _components/search.js

export const css = `
.search {
  background: gray;
  padding: 20px;

export const js = `
import from "js/search.js"

export default function ({ comp }) {
  return `
<form class="search">
    <input type="search" name="q">
  ${comp.button({ text: "Submit" })}

In this example, the component exports CSS and JS code in addition to the HTML code.

Register components from the _config file

In addition to the _components folder, you can register components dynamically in the _config file with the function site.component(). This function takes two arguments: the component context and the component object:

site.component("ui", {
  name: "button",
  css: ".btn { background: blue; color: white }",
  render({ text }) {
    return `<button class="btn">${text}</button>`;

Now, you can use the component as always:

{{ comp.ui.button({ text: "Login" }) | safe }}